My Projects

Movie Recommendation Model with Apache Spark and Amazon EMR

This is my cloud computing course project. I built a movie recommendation model using Collaborative Filtering with Spark Machine Learning library. It was then deploy to Amazon EMR to effectively speed up the training process given a large dataset.

Demo | Github

Egg Saver – A Pokemon Theme SVG Platform Game


This is a HTML platform game that was created with JavaScript, HTML, CSS and SVG. No gaming framework was used.

Demo | Github

Q.Zeven – An online Q&A platform for HKUST students

Demo | Github

A lightweight npm library to parse curl request to JS

I spent some of my free time to try publish a npm library. This library can help covert cURL request to JavaScript object, which can help to do web crawling query quickly.


Inverted Index Search Engine

It was built after attending Search Engine course in university. Basically, I went through from crawling data with a web crawler. Then, built inverted index using key-value database. Ranking the result with tf-idf and provide various search feature, like title search, phrase search and similar search etc.


Actually there is more, but I am too lazy to write them up … 😝 You can check them on my Github